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Discrete Circuit Line Follower

One of my fascinations in life, is the creation of knick-knacks. As per the Cambridge Dictionary:

A smalldecorative objectespecially in a house.

For me, I define knick-knacks as little things that don’t really have a point for being made other than:

  • I specifically solves a single problem (generally) unique to myself that I will need once in a blue moon.
  • Because I can and will commit an act of hubris.

Hence, in my boredom one day and after scrolling through the feed, I naturally found myself in torrent of random projects and this video came into view:

Now I thought “Oh, that looks easy, plus it looks so unpolished, what if I copied the project but this time around we cleaned up the design a bit. Get some boards made from your neighborhood JLCWay and made a bunch of knick-knacks!”

To motivate myself to actually finish this project I am showing you my first draft of the board and schematic, so that every night I go to sleep I remember that I have left another unfinished project in the world but now well, I guess you know too.

The point is it’s not great, but I will update further!

Schematic Rev. A

3D Model of Board Rev. A