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Website Plan

Been experiencing a lack of motivation to get this work down so lets start here: What’s the plan, how am I going to execute it, and what does that mean for you?

I think the best way to go about this is to go back to the lessons I learned about 5S. For the unfamiliar: 5S stands for seiri (整理), seiton (整頓), seisō (清掃), seiketsu (清潔), and shitsuke (躾). Translated to: ‘Sort’, ‘Set in order’, ‘Shine’, ‘Standardize’, and ‘Sustain’.

“5S is a structured system designed to enhance operational efficiency by focusing on organization, standardization, and continuous improvement. It involves the entire workforce in creating and maintaining a system that optimizes the workspace for better productivity and flow.” – Alen Ganic, of Gemba Academy.


Remove the unnecessary goals, and keep the main thing the main thing. To me I made this website as a hub for engineering knowledge that I have gathered, to showcase some of my projects, and attempt to inspire others to go build what they want. Even the smallest things are worth building, so let’s make with passion and pride!

Set in Order

I want my workflow to be that of a “flow state”. I.E, working on this website should not be a chore to complete. When I want to put something up it should be as seamless as possible and frictionless, such that the process of creating my drafts and editing should be easy without distraction.


Keep the website pretty! The website should be intuitive and easy to navigate for the viewer whether that is on desktop or mobile. I have an idea for the tabs on the left of the home page which consists of creating a box with a title, cover image, and maybe a small description. That way when you select a topic page you are presented with a scrollable menu of links to view that should look nice on all browsers and give a more polished look.


Establish procedures and schedules to ensure the repetition of the first three ‘S’ practices while developing a work structure that will support the new practices and make it part of my daily routine. By doing this, there will be more consistent work done on the site and on projects.


Hold myself accountable for the changes I want to see in the site and to deliver the content that I want people to be able to reference.

So what are the deliverables?

  • Standardize the website visually
  • No empty links
  • Publish a basics of Kinematic Models lesson
  • Publish a basics of Calculus and how I think about solving problems.

Long Term Deliverables:

  • Finish the latest version of the RoboDojo board
  • Build the newest RobotDojo Learning Platform
  • Complete the NPT and packaging
  • Add 100 Kits to my shop page.
  • Revisit the Balance Bot design and repeat the last steps for this.

One Comment

  1. Bean Bean November 22, 2024


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